The Golden Eagle, or scientifically known as the Aquila chrysaetos, is one of the many, many native animals we have here in the San Diego area. The golden eagle is an iconic animal, and most everyone knows that these animals are very significant to our whole country. Golden Eagles are truly incredible animals. They usually have a wingspan that is more than seven feet, and also they can live to be about thirty to forty years old. The golden eagle also really likes the San Diego area, and stays here all year round. Golden eagles do not migrate because San Diego really has desirable weather for the golden eagle, and it does not move since it does not have to. Golden Eagles are very gutsy animals, they are known for their speed and agility. That speed and agility really helps them when trying to catch food. Rabbits, and squirrels are among the smaller types of prey, but also some golden eagles have been prone to attacking full-grown deer. Golden eagles maintain a usual area of about sixty square miles. When they find their area, they really stick to it, and don't move at all for several years, or they even stay for life.
Recently, there has been some issues with golden eagles dying for reasons that are not good at all. Some golden eagles have been hit by cars, or have flown into power lines. Also in some other cases, the land area that they oversee just becomes diminished over a period of time. This has been very unfortunate, but there are some things that we can do as residents of the San Diego area. There are many groups, or volunteer efforts that are dedicated to ensuring that all the golden eagles that we have left are taken care of. Also, just having the knowledge about the golden eagle, helps to keep it going. Just knowing a little piece will lead you to fully understanding one day everything there is to know about the Golden Eagle.