The Southwestern Willow Flycatcher, or also known as Empidonax traillii, is one of the pretty common bird that you might see flying around different parts of the San Diego area. These birds are very pretty, and are pretty distinct from other birds in the San Diego area. The adult birds have brownish, or olive color upperparts, darker wings and tail, and also a whitish underpart. These birds are pretty different from other birds because unlike a lot of birds, the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher actually migrates south to places like Mexico. These birds will stay in the San Diego area for most of the year, but travel to the south to escape the winters in San Diego. These birds are especially smart because they actually know that the south, down toward Mexico would be a better place to be.
These birds might not be the most beautiful, the most stunning birds we have in the San Diego area, but they still play an important role. These birds really make up where we live in California. Birds like the Southwestern Willow Flycatcher make our city in California pretty unique. We have a big mixture of the different types of birds we have, but this one contributes to that fact even more. The Southwestern Willow Flycatcher is really an important part of the culture of organisms in the San Diego area.
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