The California Leaf-nosed Bat, or scientifically known as the Macrotus californicus, is yet another one of San Diego's more, interesting native animals. When most people think of bats, they usually think of scary movies, and people being attacked by bats, but that thought process is totally false. The bat has a wingspan of 30 centimeters and is one of the animals that many people look down upon. Bats hang upside down when they are resting, and they wrap their wings around them. These bats are all a brownish color, and they all use sonar to find whats around them. Many people think that bats are all bad, but in reality, they are really beneficial to rain forests, and other desert areas. These California Leaf-Nosed Bats especially have the worst reputation, because they are not very good looking. So many times, people will only judge a book by it's cover, but they don't really understand that there is more to looks on the outside. It really is an awful thing that people are killing bats, and shooing them out of areas where they could be beneficial in the long run. There should be more realization that these California Leaf-nosed bats are really not awful creatures. There have been many cases of hurting bats because of humans ignorance, and their lack of knowledge. There should be more things done to help protect the California Leaf-nosed bats.
Like mentioned above, there are many cases where human ignorance comes into play, and the California Leaf-nosed bats suffer. There are many opportunities to see bats in ways where they are protected, but it is such a downer when people don't know better and treat bats like they are the enemy. Hollywood has portrayed such a bad image about these amazing creatures, and it has really rubbed off on people the wrong way. Because of human lack of knowledge, there have been bats that have been killed for wrong reasons. Just because something doesn't look too pleasing on the outside, doesn't mean that on the inside there isn't a good soul. Ignorant people should be more informed about these types of animals.
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