The Long-eared owl, is yet another one of San Diego's many native animals. Also known as the Asio otus, the long-eared owl is one of the different species of owls known to be in the San Diego area. These owls are closely linked to the barn owls, and other owls that are also native to San Diego. This owl is usually anywhere from thirty-one to thirty-seven centimeters long, with a very large wingspan of about eighty-six to ninety-eight centimeters. This specific owl is pretty unique also because of it's ears. As the name says, the ears on this owl are long. During the wintertimes, this owl migrates to the south to escape colder weather. Like it's similar species, this owl also has yellow eyes, and mostly does most of it's hunting in the night. This owl has exceptional night vision, and uses it to it's advantage. Thankfully, this amazing creature is not under any danger, and is probably not going to go extinct anytime soon. Like in many cases, it is really important to just have the basic information about some of the various animals around the San Diego area. It is especially easy to connect to these animals because we all share the space that these animals use. It is a cool experience, seeing an owl, and this owl especially would be so cool to see. Since it has distinctly larger ears, if you spotted one, you would probably be able to say that it was a Long-eared Owl, instead of another type.
Just by reading about the different things that make this specific owl unique, is helping it out. Like mentioned in other posts, just having knowledge about the animal is pretty great. Should someone ask you something about different native, San Diego animals, you can look back and remember that the Long-eared owl is just one of the many native animals that you can think of.
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