The Western Banded Gecko is actually one of the less popular native San Diego animals. Also known as the Coleonyx variegatus, the western banded gecko actually is a relativity small gecko that lives amongst rocks and other geckos. This gecko is about six inches long, and has short little legs. This specific species is one of the only ones with eyes that actually are movable, and also with a pointed snout. Adult western banded geckos are mostly a light grey, or pale yellow color, with some reddish or brownish spots or lines on them. This specific gecko is native to San Diego, but there some other subspecies that are found in other countries and states as well. These geckos are mostly active during the spring, and between May and September, these geckos usually lay about two eggs. These geckos are very unique to have in our home areas. The San Diego native animals are all so different, and this one specifically is a pretty unique one. The western banded gecko is only found here in San Diego, so for us to have our own species really changes so much. Many people do not really realize how truly special San Diego is, and how diverse we really are.
With these Western Banded Geckos especially, we can step back and look at how we have such a wide range of different animals right in our backyards. There are so many animals ranging from tiny ones, to larger ones. These Western Banded Geckos are a great example of one of the many unique animals we have here in San Diego.
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